Snap'n Build won't give you an easier time, but it does offer more options for those who really want to customize the look of their post-apocalyptic wasteland. It's not the easiest mod to get a handle on, but the same could be said for Fallout 4's Workshop tools in general. It adds a new selection to the "Structures" tab in Workshop mode that gives you access to a variety of architectural styles - including standard residential homes, bunkers, capsule-style dwellings and industrial buildings. The only problem is the selection of buildable structures, which is a little thin. Her interaction menu are mostly placeholders atm.but she can be used as a follower if you wish.Fallout 4 introduces the concept of player-owned settlements, giving you the ability to build anything from crafting stations and basic goods to full-blown dwellings. She,however, is still a WIP, but the mod Author has made her available to download and use as a companion.She doesn't have any audible dialogue but she does however have subtitles.

She is a standalone companion, meaning she will not replace any of the vanilla companions like Black Jack does. Little Pip, another one from Fallout: Equestria. Note: I'm using a couple of Eli's outfits from the Fallout Nexus in these screenshots as well as CBBE.īlack Jack, from Fallout: Equestria.She's NOT a standalone companion,she's a retexture of Cait (whom can be found in "Combat Zone" Near the beginning of the Freedom Trail) Overall a pretty well done re-texture.I've had no issues using her as a companion. These ponies also have facial expressions, blinking eyes,moving mouths.and even ears and wings that'll react to dialogue during convos. The past few days though, I've stumbled upon a couple new MLP companion mods.So, I'd figured I'd post a topic about it and share these mods. I recently came across a few mods that add a Pony race to the game.I've been playing the game as Fluttershy. I have gotten back into Fallout 4.and have been modding my game extensively (135 mods and counting)