This mod makes Liberty Prime painted black with a Nazi eagle tattoo on the front This mod replaces Nuka Colas with Soy Latte coffee cups, its got a crying Wojak picture on the front of the cup: Soy Latte Nuka Cola Replacer - Epic Coffee Mod: This power armor is a German ww2 power armor mod for X1 Power Armor suit there is a bunch of paint patch options inside the file incase you want or don't want Nazi symbols: This mod gives you a lore friendly Chinese propaganda radio, it has good voice acting and I don't know why they would delete this: Replaces institute radio that plays martial industrial music Nazi tattoo that you can have on your neck, it replaces a tattoo from base game not sure which though: Nazi Cyberpunk Schutzstaffel sword that is added to the game, there was a location where you can find it but I forgot where it is, just use console commands to find and get it:

Turns out if you did the sanctuary quest for the minuteman the Brotherhood will turn hostile, maybe doing the brotherhood quest fire support first and then doing the sanctuary quest will make them both friendly there's probably more features in this mod that I missed to mention: There is also more stuff in the workshop and the posters have been converted to ww2 propaganda.

You can hire minuteman (who are communist soviets) from the workshop, there is an ak-47 gun added, The Brotherhood are ww2 style Nazis, The Raiders are neo-Nazi militias and the Gunners are German Freikorps. This mod retextures all feral ghouls to have a Nazi bandanaĪn alt his overhaul mod where you play as soviet minuteman against German ww2 invasion of USA the mod has a lot of features. This one makes Raiders clothes have Nazi symbols it makes them look like neo-Nazis rather than actual ww2 Nazis: BOS to Nazi Mods: These Mods turn the Brotherhood of Steel into Nazis