I send every available unit, including Boba Fett and the rest of my home defence force, to attack the Klingon HQ and soon the station falls. My own base is taking heavy damage, but I’m certain I can destroy the enemy first. My Acclamators are beaten, but before the Klingons can catch a breath Thrawn comes roaring in accompanied by Darth Vader and a wing of TIE interceptors.

I spend the bulk of my remaining credits to call in Grand Admiral Thrawn and his flagship, a colossal Star Destroyer called the Admonitor. I make a significant dent, but my Acclamators are being pulverised in the process. I reach the heavily defended Klingon base and begin my attack. The Klingons send a few B’rel-class ships to stop me, but they’re no match for my armoured frigates. Yes, it’s the same tactic I tried previously, but it’ll work this time. I build a dozen wings of TIE interceptors to deal with them, while I sneak my Acclamators behind enemy lines. More Klingon ships arrive, including a mighty Bird-of-Prey. The Klingons send in a swarm of D7-class warships to hassle me, but Fett and an accompanying wing of TIE fighters make short work of them. A huge battle breaks out and I upgrade my base as it rages, bringing in Captain Benjamin Sisko of the USS Defiant-the ship the Federation designed to fight the Borg. The Rebels have mobilised an impressive strike force, and I’m lagging behind. Then another handful of frigates appear near my base. The Rebels send in an assault frigate to attack one of my asteroid mines and I send Janeway to intercept. This was, of course, the first Federation starship to successfully explore the Delta Quadrant. I spend a chunk of my income on upgrading my base, which unlocks my first hero unit: Captain Kathryn Janeway, commanding the Intrepid-class USS Voyager. Growing bolder, the Rebels send in more X-wings, but I swat them away easily. When I have enough credits, I build a couple of Miranda-class starships to protect my asteroids. The Rebels send a small team of X-wing scouts into my territory, but my station’s automated defences chase them away. Doing so as early as possible is key to victory in Empire at War’s skirmish mode. I begin by sending my shuttles to capture two nearby asteroids so I can generate credits. Our first battle takes place above the desert planet of Tatooine.